Our first little baby crossed the rainbow bridge today, we’ve had this end-of-life appointment scheduled but cancelled it multiple times over the last few months. We’ve cried, laughed, and spoiled our sweet Sofi endlessly. Kaylee and I soaked up endless nights sitting on the floor with her even when she no longer knew who we were.
We’ve had Sofi since she was 6 weeks old. Sofi was our first real responsibility. Sofi would have been 18 in Feb. Kaylee only being 16, she has only known our lives with this little mighty pup.
I would describe Sofi as hilariously demanding, loving, strong willed, loyal and a super fierce protector of her family. In her prime, Sofi loved sunbathing, the lake or beach, stuffed toys, food hunting and cuddles. In her geriatric stage, she loved food and particularly Bryer’s vanilla ice cream. This angel ate whatever she wanted for roughly a year. Dementia threw us for a loop as some dogs develop a more exotic palette for food. So, we went with it.
Over the last year with dementia and aging she slowly started pulling away from affection. We went to extreme lengths to keep her comfortable and happy, but time wasn’t on our side.
Most say 18 years is a long life for a dog. I say it just isn’t long enough. We are lost without her. Thank you, my sweet Princess Sofi, for taking care of and loving our little family endlessly. You will FOREVER have your little, teeny tiny paw imprinted in our hearts in a massive way. We will miss you always until our last breath.
Dr. Tillman with comfort at home is truly amazing. This doctor was sent to this earth to walk us through end-of-life services with the most care, heartfelt support, and dignity.
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