Sweet Baby Bun



We love you forever & ever Bun. You are already missed so much. Your sweet, innocent and joyful demeanor never failed to put on a smile on everyone’s face. You got me through college at Georgia where you became the infamous Beat Box Bun, then through half of medical school. I am forever grateful that I had you as the best study buddy always by my side. Even when I was so stressed or down you being next to me reminded me that everything was going to be okay. I never knew how fearless a little bun could be until I brought home Stass from Grenada and you ran right up to her and quickly become her best friend. Although, you never did quit understand why her tail was always wagging! You truly become the light of the house. I can see you now speeding down the stairs after hearing the refrigerator door open and then waiting patiently for a snack, most likely a banana. I loved watching you lay out, relaxed after a big meal on your couch with all your stuffed animals or waiting at the top of the stairs with your head through the rails when you knew dinner was coming. I’m going to miss you putting your little forehead to mine and hopping all over me. Nothing will be the same without you here but I know you have already met Kobie and Callie and are running and binkying free eating all the blueberries and cilantro you want. I love you with all my heart sweet baby bun. I know you will be waiting on me when I meet you on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.


Submitted By: Sydney Smith