Romeo is the living example of man’s bestfriend.



Romeo was the best possible dog you could ask for. I have never been that close to anything before. He was and still in my heart is my bestfriend. He actually had a personality to him. Me and him got so used to each other and learned each others way of life. From getting up in the mornings letting him sleep in when I would go to work to him hearing my tires roaring coming down the road arriving home. He was just his own type of dog. There is no dog that could replace him or be the way he was. It hurts so bad to have him go but I know that he will always be there. I love him so much and I’m sure he loved me. You never realize how close you get to your pets until they leave this earth. He was the real life example of mans bestfriend. He was always there for me. I’m going to miss him a ton and I’m sure a lot more people will too. He was everybodys buddy. He would lean against you while you petted him to the point where you would almost fall down. But he was just the best dog you could ask for. One of these day though we will be back together and cross the rainbow bridge together. Your my bestfriend and I love you buddy.
Eric Burkhalter

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