Our Sweet Little Girl…..



Savannah – This beautiful little girl brought Joy, Unconditional Love and Laughter to our home beginning 6/27/2007. She was found exiting the woods around a large development on the other side of Atlanta and was brought to an emergency vet who said she’d been in those woods a long, long time! Estimated to be between 1&2 when we adopted her, she was a self made survivor who thrived on her game of
“Just Try To Take My Toy!” A true water lover; be it swimming pool, lake, ocean, gulf or being water boarded in her back yard with a garden hose on high pressure….any kind of water BUT A BATH! The picture here shows her receiving the good news that she will never have to have another bath.
Her other favorite things to do were chasing squirrels and sitting with us in the early evenings on our patio, remaining calm and quiet, watching deer eat their corn on our hill.
Savannah was preceded in death by her precious sister Maggie on 11/20/13.
She is survived by her loving parents, Terry & Linda Murrell; Our hearts are truly broken and we’re not sure how we’ll make it without her:(
and by Her good fur friends, especially Miss MiMi, and all of her loving human friends, especially Connie and Barry Austin and her human family, especially KeiKei:(
Linda & Terry Murrell

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