My Sassy Girl!! We all miss you and can’t wait to see you again!!



My Sassy girl past a few months ago. Couldn’t bare to do this memorial page then, I was just not ready. As tears start to come to my eyes now, i’m wondering if I will ever be ready!! Sassy, I know the other dogs miss you as well as your mommy. Every now and then as I call for the other three dogs, I wonder if your hiding under my bed,then I remember your gone. I miss your smiling face and all your snotty kisses! I even miss your snoring and passing gas!! LOL Makes me smile everytime I talk about you and the crazy thing you did. You were truly one of my “kids”!! Your sister Coco, your “hubby” Titus, and your daughter Layla all sniffed your ashes when I brought you home and I swear they knew it was you. Its getting easier everyday but I still think about you. You are truly missed and loved. We will all be together again at that Rainbow Bridge~~
Love always, Mommy, Coco, Titus, & Layla
Christi Henderson

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