
I found Murphy in 2012. I noticed breathing challenges & asked to hold him. I knew he may need special attention and alot of care, and he became my sweet little man. He needed nubulizer treatment two weeks. Murphy became a new brother for my shihtzu Lucy, and Murphy had a new brother Calvin, and a new sister Maggie (cocker spaniels). Murphy was diagnosed about 2 years later as epileptic with his first seizer at home on patio. We saw a neurologist at MedVet and Murphy was controlled on Keppra 500 mg BID pretty well until 2023 since diagnosed. He had a few episodes but most were mild seizures and I added CBD and had rescue med’s whenever we traveled and at home. We resided in Ohio, South Carolina, and moved to Cornelius NC in 2018. Murphy loved his home and fenced yard. We found an amazing doctor – Dr. Wasserman at Main Street Veterinary Hospital who treated Murphy most of the time, and Team Dr. Goodwin, Dr. Hoe, Dr. Manzie, Dr. Whitlock were also AMAZING to him. (Thank you) The entire medical team and staff with Main Street Vet were AMAZING! Murphy loved traveling! He traveled with me on work trips and of course to Ohio to visit family. Murphy loved the big beds in hotels. I remember seeing him spread out on bed, put his head in pillows and roll around and wait for treats and his favorite cans of turkey stew and beef stew. He also loved greenies. I never had human children and MURPHY was the little child and made my life better. I had a purpose in life raising Murphy. I loved him more than anything and enjoyed being his mom every second of every day. Murphy used to jump on my lap and stare into my eyes. We got each other. We always did this “check in thing”. This year Murphy found a new joy – jumping on my lap while driving and putting his little head out the window. So funny he did this later in his life… April 2023 arrives and last weekend, Murphy had his last seizure and an episode I’ve never seen before that lasted about 45 minutes at my home. I took him to Main Street Vet and then to an emergency care unit in Charlotte. I knew something was different. He was in ICU for two days and an MRI was given to detect what was happening in his brain. Unfortunately a large mass was found and Murphy was unable to breathe on his own after anesthesia. Murphy was so protective of me, he was stoic. I would have done everything in my power to remove that ugly mass. Of course I am upset… why this dog, because Murphy was the best dog, and gave so much LOVE love to me, to his siblings, and everyone around him. My heart is broke without him. I will never feel the same without him in my life. Murphy was a blessing to my life and I will always be grateful he was in my life and gave me unconditional love every single day. I will miss him and he will be with me every day in heart. I pray he’s in a place without pain, and I hope to see my little man again. Mommy, Calvin, Lucy, and Maggie miss you.

Submitted By: Molly Hurley