God sent us a little comforter for a while.



January 23 1996, God sent us Sassy. From Day one, she was a Joy to be around. The room was brighter when she bounced into it. From the very first she seemed to understand when people were sad or just needed comfort. From some endless supply of love, she always found just the right way to calm or soothe or cause laughter. Soon, all the things that weigh one down would just disappear into warm fuzzy joy. She’d hear us say, “Would somebody like to go see Grandma?” Like a shot she’d be at the door bouncing with anticipation. She never had a mean bone in her tiny body. She would lay on the desk beside Debbie or come get on the “tater couch” with her Daddy. She was a sweet tater and I was but a mere common tater. She passed peacefully on Friday. God surely has her by his side and I am sure Heaven’s Streets of gold are reflecting her love even brighter. We will miss her but we will see her again in a House made for us by the Lord. We’ll have a backyard full of our four-legged family and a few holes dug by Amber. We’ll see you as soon as we can Sassy. We love you.
Debbie Cockman

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