Mommy’s sweet boy


When daddy and I rescued you and your brother( from another mother) from a shelter in February 2016 you were originally meant to be a daddy’s boy and your brother a mommy’s boy but you had other ideas from the beginning. We chose you both knowing you had FIV and would likely have many health challenges but could still have many years of love to give and receive. You’ve given us so many moments of love and happiness and our hearts now have have a huge void from your presence which can never be replaced. I’m so honored and grateful that I got to be your mommy these last few precious years. Over the years many people told me how majestic and regal you looked and how photogenic you were and they were right. Even when you were diagnosed with renal failure, we all worked together to give you an amazing quality of life. We were so successful your levels were undetectable on labs for a couple years! You were still happy, playful, and engaged with your brother, and loved sleeping on my chest and laying your tiny furry head beside mine on the pillow. The last couple of months have been super challenging and it became apparent that you had lymphoma which had spread to your GI system and your decline has been so fast and scary. As I was hand shredding boiled chicken into microscopic pieces in our kitchen at 3am the morning of your passing, I prayed to God to give me a sign if it was time to say goodbye. When we woke that morning you were so so sick and started to hide which was so unlike you. I’m so thankful you let us know it was time as we were originally meant to board a flight around noon that day for a one week vacation. I’m so grateful that we didn’t go and I was able to nuzzle and comfort you while he crossed the rainbow bridge. Rest easy my sweet boy. Mommy loves you. We will meet again some day.

Submitted By: Kala Duffy